Moving back to Ghost
I like to tinker, and the web is a great place to putter away learning new things, especially for a perpetual beginner coder like me. After spending some time learning a little about Gatsby last year, I decided to migrate site from Ghost to a Gatsby site hosted on Netlify.
During that time, I've fixed little things and drawn up big plans for what I wanted to build. Whenever I'd sit down to write a post, I'd spend all my time fidgeting with little odds and ends.
A couple of weeks ago, my friend Chris Bowler shared he moved his site to Ghost.

Reading about his move made me think of all the things I liked about Ghost and take a look at how quickly I could get back to writing if I moved.
A couple of hours looking at and customizing themes, and I'm back on Ghost with a couple of drafts for new posts this week.